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Having a large amount of belly fat can disrupt the appearance of your body and undermine your confidence.Here is a simple home remedy that can help lose inches from the waistline, shed pounds and flatten stomach in a week.
I have shared an excellent remedy and 3 tips to lose stomach fat fast and get flat belly.
For this Remedy you will need
A glass hot water
Ginger paste – 1 tsp
Half lemon

  • In water add ginger paste
  • Add 1 tsp honey
  • Squeeze juice of half lemon
  • Mix it and drink it in morning when your stomach is empty
  • Also drink 1 glass in evening
Few tips for fast weight loss
  1. Drink 1 glass of hot water 5 minutes before every meal
  2. Do not eat anything 2 hours before sleep
  3. Eat more citrus fruits

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