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Hair loss is an issue that is faced by all of us nowadays because of the increased pollution, dirt, and oil that sits on our scalp on a daily basis. Now, it’s a necessary part of our body and if we go bald at a very young age, how would that feel? We all want to have lustrous locks and shining hair all through our days.

There are many treatments that include chemicals and strong exposures to radiations but let us not forget our household remedies for the best results. The best natural remedy is composed of these three elements:

Castor Oil: Castor oil is said to have natural properties for hair growth and its protection. It moisturizes your hair, promotes hair growth and also prevents your hair from breaking. It can be mixed along with other ingredients to make the best use of it. It will remove any kind of bacteria from the scalp, treat the fungus infected areas and also if there are any other infections. It is known to stimulate proper circulation of blood, thus ensuring the better growth of hair. it can be massaged into the scalp gently and then left for some time before washing it off.
Egg Yolk: Egg yolks contain several different minerals and vitamins that can enrich the quality of your hair and also promote its growth more effectively. They contain biotin, amino acids that again strengthen your hair from the roots to the tips. Fatty acid in the yolk prevents the growth of dandruff on the scalp, in turn, preventing any kind of fungus. The hair becomes shiny, and the split ends are also treated. The vitamin D found in the yolk helps in its protection from the strong UV rays. This overall promotes better growth with healthier scalp and roots.
Honey: As good as it is for our skin, the same goes for our hairs too. It seals all the moisture inside your hair and keeps it conditioned. While the hair retains its moisture, it doesn’t break so often which again promotes better growth. The antioxidants in honey give the roots more strength so as to stop the hair from breaking. Honey also cures bacterial infections, dandruff promoting better growth from the start. It might be sticky, but it cleans our hair properly and thus keeps your scalp clean and away from any bacterial infection.
With these three ingredients in hand, a recipe is created for treating hair loss.

Treatment: You have to mix 2 tablespoons of Castor Oil, 1 tablespoon of honey with one egg yolk. Mix the paste properly and then apply it to your scalp and till the tips of your hair. Let it dry for almost 4 hours in order to soak the nutrients properly. It is better to cover your hair with a shower cap to prevent any dropping off. After 4 hours, shampoo your hair with something mild and condition it properly. This can be done almost twice to thrice a week for the best results.

This remedy will show its effectiveness once it is done at least for a month and in a proper routine. Follow it properly, and you shall see the results soon!

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