Everything you need to know about the beauty tricks and tips and styles.


Most of the time your skin appear dull because of a layer of dead skin, just remove it and you can see an instant glow on your face. For this, you will just need a lemon and some salt. On a lemon slice put some sale and use this to scrub your face gently.

Do scrubbing for few minutes and wash it off with normal water
After this apply a face pack for 15 minutes. For this in rice flour mix honey and lemon juice, if required you can also add some water. Apply it all over your face and wash it off after 15 minutes

Pat dry your face and apply moisturizer
If you are pink in health, then your health radiates your inner beauty. Lemons are essential for good health. They contain compounds called limonoids. It provides cancer-fighting elements for the lung, breast, skin, mouth, colon, and stomach.

These tangy yellow fruits are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is an important antioxidant needed for optimal health. Vitamin C is an essential molecule for skin health.

Vitamin C from dietary sources and topical application have beneficial effects on skin cells. Research studies have shown that vitamin C can prevent and treat ultraviolet ray’s damage to the skin.USE LEMON SLICE TO GET SPOT FREE SOFT GLOWY SKIN IN 2 MINUTES

Vitamin C is found both in high amounts in the dermis and the epidermis layers of the skin. Ageing, exposure to UV rays, pollutants and smoking can reduce the levels of vitamin C in the skin.

Vitamin C travels through the body neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals attack the healthy cells, damage them and cause inflammation. These baddies aggravate the natural ageing process.

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